Vocation for the future

Architecture planned for people

You have to try, in order to achieve. Integrating architecture into the natural ecosystem, making sure that the needs of the inhabitants are fully satisfied without harming the development of future generations, is more than a challenge, it is a current necessity.

An architecture committed to the environment is, in turn, an architecture designed for people.

The role of our architects is fundamental, since the internalization of new compositional strategies in architectural design depends on them.

Architecture is environment, sustainability, accessibility and energy efficiency; habitability and safety; heritage and culture. Architecture should be life and quality of life, in the same direction, focusing on reuse and balance between growth and the environment, being at the service of citizens.

From Alprosan, we build and contribute to the development of our province, with new homes in incredible enclaves, studying each project so that there is a perfect balance between development and conservation of our natural areas.

Get to know our current developments

On sale

Malvasía I

Cabo de Gata

On sale

Villas de Nácar


On sale

Genoveses 58

San José (Cabo de Gata)

On sale

Nuevo Perceval

Almeria city centre

On sale

Jacaranda residential complex
